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  • icon sales@samparkcloud.com
We Are A New Age Company icon
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Cloud Migration
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Managed Cloud Services
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Application modernization
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DevOps Transformation
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SRE Services
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Cloud Analytics
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Cloud Development
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Architecture refactoring
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Cloud Optimization
See the difference

Do you need help?

We offer a comprehensive suite of services to help businesses implement and adopt cloud technologies seamlessly. We can help you optimize your cloud infrastructure and provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your cloud environment is secure, scalable, and cost-effective.

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    Cloud Modernization

    Our cloud modernization approach ensures your legacy applications are updated and optimized for cloud-based infrastructure.

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    Cloud Advisory

    Expert guidance provided to organizations on how to leverage cloud computing technology to meet their business objectives.

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    Data Insights

    Provides organizations with actionable insights that help them make informed decisions, identify trends, and improve their business processes.

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    Cloud Operations

    Smooth and efficient operation of cloud-based infrastructure with 24x7 monitoring, maintenance, and support.

Our Cloud Services

Why Sampark Cloud Should Be Your Cloud Partner


Cloud Migration Services

We help businesses with a seamless transition of applications, data, and infrastructure to the cloud, minimizing downtime and disruption, and ensuring a secure and efficient migration process.

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Managed Cloud Services

Free up IT resources to focus on core business objectives and revenue growth while our cloud experts manage your entire cloud infrastructure, with optimal performance, security, and scalability.

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DevOps Transformation services

Assist you to accelerate software delivery and improve collaboration between development and operations teams, enabling them to rapidly respond to market demands and drive business growth.

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Application modernization

Drive innovation and transform your outdated and legacy applications with ease and efficiency using our cutting-edge application modernization services on the cloud towards better productivity.

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Our Key Expertise

Cloud Services: Sampark Cloud Scores Better than Others

Sampark Cloud Softwares stands out as a better cloud service provider due to its unmatched expertise, world-class infrastructure, and exceptional customer service, ensuring seamless cloud operations and maximum ROI for businesses of all sizes. Our key cloud services include:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Containerization and Orchestration
  • Cloud Migration and Deployment
  • Cloud Security and Compliance
  • Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Cloud Monitoring and Management
  • Cloud Consulting and Strategy Development
  • Cloud-native Application Development and Deployment
Steps to Cloud Success

Cloud Implementation Methodology

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  • Identify the existing IT infrastructure
  • Evaluate the performance requirements
  • Analyze the security and compliance requirements
  • Assess the total cost of ownership (TCO)
  • Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential challenges
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  • Choose Cloud Service Model
  • Select the most suitable cloud provider
  • Ascertain software licensing strategies
  • Develop a migration plan
  • Configure Cloud Environment
  • Set up the testing/validation process
  • Plan Deployment Strategy
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  • Deploy your applications to the cloud
  • Migrate your data
  • Test and validate the cloud environment
  • Provide training to users
  • Continuously monitor and optimize the environment